Every Drop of DropWorks is made at the DropWorks Distillery, nestled in Nottinghamshire, in the heart of Britain. They bring in the finest molasses, ferment it with in house cultivated trinity yeast strain, distil it in bespoke stills, then blend and mature it in barrels made from tress felled on site.

Clear Drop is un-aged, unadulterated - crystal-clear perfection.

Funk Drop is fermented with the world’s first Wild Trinity yeast and distilled in our bespoke Double Retort still, every Drop goes supernova with funkiness

Spice Drop Spiced rum made without any added spices? Damn right

Dark drop This super-soft twice pot-distilled Rum has been decadently blended with Rums finest ingredient – molasses, of course.
Europe's Largest Rum Distillery